9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
7/10 – 7/13/2019
Deep South Youth Conference
Youth are invited to join the Calvary Chapel Youth Conference in Stone Mountain, GA. This year’s theme is Ephesians 5:14, “Awake, you who sleep. Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” [Learn More

What We Believe
The Bible’s inspiration and inerrancy
God’s triune nature
God’s creating all things
The deity of Jesus Christ
The substitutionary atonement and death of Jesus
The bodily resurrection of Jesus
Salvation by grace through faith
The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the world today
The physical return of Jesus Christ to earth
Eternal judgment of the righteous and the unrighteous
The church being ready for Christ’s return